Rabu, 10 Agustus 2011

tricks blogspot

some Tips and Tricks PDF. Tips and tricks blog my version is as follows:
Make the content material (content) blogs from the field that you enjoy or are good at. Making writing with a topic that you do not enjoy or master course will not bring maximum results. If you master a particular topic or the like, make a post on the topic. The result will be better, because you tend to do it gladly.
Research and library visits. Try doing library research and visits to reinforce the opinions and analysis in your writing. Obviously, such a scientific writing, with research and reference literature then your writing more reliable credibility.
Please experiment and be creative, but do not forget the customer's blog. Experiments and creations can sometimes give the feel of a fun new - and interesting too! However, do not be hasty. For example, by innovating to enter the video "welcome" on the front page of the blog. Surely it would be a severe blow to the visitor's connection. Or, another example, using color combinations that hurt the eyes: it may provide a fresh shock effect, but could be tortured if read with a fairly long duration.
Personal blogs should be more personal feel. Do not be afraid to subjective. If indeed you conceptualize your blog as a personal blog, then you are also entitled to fill it with a "personal touch". Not necessarily raw and stiff - not cold.
Few illustrations accompany the text can be lonely. Some of the conventional print media often provide a picture or illustration in an article. In fact, the picture is not necessarily closely related articles or news presented. However, the presentation of the monotony of text without illustrations (especially a long copy) will be boring. Please provide drawings, photographs, or illustrations that have anything to do with the topic or theme of writing, although the illustrations can not support writing directly. Can at least entertain the reader's eye.
Choose a blog service providers accordingly. Sound trivial, but quite important. Blog service providers (or the machine also blogs) have different features that are different, and sometimes its use is different - specific. For example photo blog service providers (or photolog photo blog, of course, if used for non-photographic blog would be very inefficient. Or if you prefer a blog with video-based material (video blog or vlog), certainly more effective if you use a blogging service that is intended for video rather than using a conventional blog service.
Use of local services for local visitors. If you are the target visitors from Indonesia, there is no harm in using a local service provider. We have had a lot of web services provider located in Indonesia. If you indeed intend to seek the reader from Indonesia alone (not too much attention to the readers from abroad), then use a blog hosting service or services which are located in Indonesia. In addition to faster access, of course, we can minimize the Internet traffic out of the country. For example, if you want to share a video to a fellow resident of Indonesia, wiser use of local file sharing services (such as Indowebster) rather than having to use RapidShare.
Respect your visitor's connection. This includes important things like sometimes forgotten the blog owner. Note the size of images and video. If the file size is too big, maybe you can give a small version (thumbnail) alone, which if clicked will bring visitors to the big version.
Avoid things that are unnecessary in the "decorate" your blog. Still nothing to do with the visitor's connection. Too many "jewels" on the blog sometimes even disturbing convenience of the reader - including the reader connection. And, of course, too much jewelry without a good placement is bad in terms of design, functionality, and accessibility. Exaggeration that tends to be less good.
Respect the artists and other creators. It is often overlooked: Indonesia. Avoid piracy! Do not indiscriminate use of the material - text, photographs, drawings, illustrations, anything! - From other sites. Check in advance about permits and licenses its use. Some sites and blogs allow us to use the material on its site for free and freely, but remain with the owner's knowledge. If you use it - certainly with the knowledge and permission of the owner of the material - there is no harm in providing information from which the material we get. But make no mistake, there are also some of the materials is strictly forbidden by the owner for our use. Please be respected. Since you as a blogger also have the opportunity as a maker of materials (content creator). If you want your work is respected, then respect other people's work.

by: http://belajarcak.blogspot.com

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